Man in Black

Because of how I was raised, there are two types of music that make me recoil: country music and gospel music. As a kid I was able to find the things within the genre that I loved, but my story changed so drastically when I came out that I left all those things behind so I could explore all the things I naturally gravitated towards. Creating this art piece of Johnny Cash involved me having some conversations with myself about where I was musically before coming out and who Johnny Cash is. I've been rewatching Stranger Things lately and I was reminded of the relationship the Byers brothers had in the first season, where Jonathan was like a guardian for Will, even in giving Will a song to sing while trapped in the Upside Down. Their relationship and Jonathan's musical tastes remind me of my oldest brother when we were growing up. He gave me the gift of music and even wanted me to join a band with him. I was learning the guitar and was starting to learn to play Folsom Prison. I...