Art Show: Bring Out the Dead, 2019

Two parties in one night. One to celebrate a beginning and one to celebrate an end. Seems fitting for Hallows Eve and Dia De Los Muertos.

The party to celebrate the end is the end of our group show at Limelight Restaurant and Lounge, "Dangerously Enchanted." There is still time to see it, but the show will conclude shortly after Halloween. If you've been wanting to see this show and don't have plans for Halloween (or need a night cap), then their traditional Halloween party would be a fitting opportunity. We've already had some wonderful pieces sold from each artist, but our ambitious artists packed the walls. Did I mention the show opened with over 90 art pieces?

As for the party to celebrate a beginning? I'm proud to announce my participation in "Bring out the Dead", at the Goodfoot Pub and Lounge!

Dallas and I will both be participating in this show. I'm especially excited for Dallas because of all his lovely Day of the Dead girls. He creates a Day of the Dead girl every year, using traditional colors and themes to tell stories and lay to rest what he mourns from the past year. My goal is to submit a new original art piece.

Here is the Facebook event for Bring out the Dead: 


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