Man in Black

Because of how I was raised, there are two types of music that make me recoil: country music and gospel music. As a kid I was able to find the things within the genre that I loved, but my story changed so drastically when I came out that I left all those things behind so I could explore all the things I naturally gravitated towards. Creating this art piece of Johnny Cash involved me having some conversations with myself about where I was musically before coming out and who Johnny Cash is.

I've been rewatching Stranger Things lately and I was reminded of the relationship the Byers brothers had in the first season, where Jonathan was like a guardian for Will, even in giving Will a song to sing while trapped in the Upside Down. Their relationship and Jonathan's musical tastes remind me of my oldest brother when we were growing up. He gave me the gift of music and even wanted me to join a band with him. I was learning the guitar and was starting to learn to play Folsom Prison. I'm not certain why exactly I stopped, but I'm sure it was related to my confidence.

I've made art of Johnny Cash before, shortly after moving to Beaverton. I made it for my oldest brother, James, as a gift for the holidays. He has the original still. I recently saw James for the first time in a while, shortly after finishing Sarah Sanderson, and I think it was that interaction that inspired me to recreate Johnny Cash.

When making art of another artist I like to delve into their work and figure out exactly what about them inspires me. Going back to Johnny Cash wasn't difficult for me as country music. Orville Peck has helped bridge back to the West of the outlaws and I'll never deny that I love Bluegrass. Johnny's country music for me sits somewhere between Bluegrass and Rock n' Roll. What was challenging for me was listening to Johnny's gospel music, especially with as heavily as he references the book of Revelations. I admit that it took me a while to recognize that his gospel music is more focused on forgiveness and second chances (resurrection) and is not about judgement like I expected. I spent so long being in fear and hating myself that I couldn't hear the remorse and compassion for humans within the Christian metaphor.

Since you made it this far, I also have an announcement! I would like to introduce a new named art collection, "Fame"! 

Johnny Cash, the Sanderson Sisters, and Lady Gaga are all part of the Fame collection, and I will be spending some time focusing on this collection for a while. I believe that Fame will help give a platform for my voice by demonstrating my talent with familiar faces. I also believe this will allow me to tell stories I might not have any other way to tell.

I had some other ideas about the name of this collection and even consulted other artists, but i settled on Fame for a few reasons. This collection isn't just about musicians but instead is about iconic personalities, so the name is broad enough to allow me to play. Additionally, I feel like this name can concisely support the subject matter of this collection. My final reason for this name is that the first piece of the collection is of Lady Gaga from her album "the Fame". I thought the name would be a cheeky way to tie the collection back together to where it started.


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