My Ink, My Arse, and Dallas' Art.

Hello again! I'm noticing a funny pattern that my last four blogs have all been posted in October over the span of three years. I've been taking some time off from writing in my blog. I spent a year writing letters and mailing them to some of the people in my life. This year, money has been tighter and I've been working more on reviving some of my old art while planning future projects, so most of my writings have been private. Today Dallas and I are celebrating our one year anniversary. I am so grateful for the experiences our marriage has brought. I feel unashamed with Dallas, and like I can be every bit the person I want to be. I've heard people joke about marriage and call their spouse a ball and chain, but with Dallas I find freedom. Dallas loves every part of me, and the more I share the more he loves. Judge me all you want, I'm about to say it, no matter how cliché... we bring out the best in each other. Sorry about it. A...