"Actually..." and National Coming Out Day

On Sunday, August 8th, I was sent a message from somebody close to me, advising me that my parents had made a public statement on Facebook, a self proclaimed rebuttal to conversations and comments I have openly had about my childhood and experiences with them. When I first read the message I had a knot in my stomach. I heard my mother's voice. She speaks of her suffering, and while I may not be on speaking terms with my mother, and as much as it may surprise her, It does hurt me to hear her suffer. Based on her personalization of what she has read that I have said before, she will likely disagree with my statement that I have never wanted my parents to have misfortune or to suffer. Here is what she wrote: "We have prayed about this for a long time. Would the day come to ever go public? If you had asked us yesterday we would have said probably not. However today it was revealed to us that a member of our family, our son.. has been on a personal smear campaign...